Demo & Usage

View Demo 2 with Autoplay


The accordion is based on an <ul>-element. You have to use the pre-defined CSS-classes in order to have the accordion working:

<div class="container">
    <ul class="hsaccordion">
        <li class="hsa-tab" id="hsa-tab01">
            <div class="hsa-tab-image">
                <a href="#"><!-- Slide Title --></a>
            <div class="hsa-tab-content">
                <!-- Text/HTML content -->
        <!-- Repeat. -->

The use of a container is advised, but not necessary.

To add the background images, set the background-image property for your elements, e.g.:

    #hsa-tab01 { background-image: url('./demo/img/tab-01.jpeg'); }

You can also use inline-styles:

        <li class="hsa-tab" style="background-image: url('./demo/img/tab-01.jpeg');">


As of version 1.0 you need to use LESS to create your CSS file. The included CSS file can be edited and overrided, but is not documented. The configuration of the hsaccordion.less is recommended:

/* ======== SETTINGS ========= */
/* Height of the accordion */
@hsa-height:            400px;
/* Width of the preview */
@hsa-preview-width:     80px;
/* Width of the image, when tab is active */
@hsa-fullimage-width:   250px;
/* Real width of the image file (see ReadMe) */
@hsa-realimage-width:   400px;
/* Width of the content section of the tab */
@hsa-content-width:     400px;
/* CSS3 transition definition */
@hsa-transition:        all 0.6s 0.1s ease-in-out;
/* Definition for border around preview image */
@hsa-preview-border:    1px solid #fff;
/* Background of tab */
@hsa-tab-background:    #fafaf0;
/* Switch for the use of desaturated preview images */
@hsa-desaturate:        true;
/* ===== END OF SETTINGS ===== */

The background image should be slightly wider than the @hsa-fullimage-width, the @hsa-realimage-width should match the actual width of the image in order to calculate the correct position of the center when showing only the preview.

After compiling the .less-file, remember to always include the stylesheet in your HTML:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="hsaccordion/css/hsaccordion.css">

JavaScript / jQuery

The use of JavaScript is not required for the core functionality of the accordion. If you are looking for an auto-play feature going through the tabs automatically, however, you can use the included jQuery-plugin. Obviously, jQuery is required.

<script src="hsaccordion/js/jquery.hsaccordion.js"></script>
    $(document).ready(function() {
            // Default settings:
            firstTab:       1,
            autoplay:       true,
            pauseOnHover:   true,
            cycleSpeed:     4000


MIT License, see LICENSE for legal details. It basically means, you can

as long as you credit the original author and reference this GitHub repository.


If you encounter any bugs, please create an issue, make a fork or create a pull request.
